marriage conference

Perfect for newlyweds or "oldyweds"

In this day and age, carrying the ‘issues’ of our past into our current marriage and relationships has sadly become the norm. We are finding that our future is becoming the product of our past rather than a fresh, vibrant product of our current love. 


But it doesn't have to be that way! If we have the tools (knowledge) needed to make changes, our futures can be the "happily ever after" we all long for.

INVEST IN YOUR marriage!


During our Building a ROCK Solid Marriage Conference, you and your spouse will learn how to work through these past pains as you learn to celebrate your differences. You'll discover a powerful truth: We're not always wrong - we're JUST DIFFERENT by God’s design. You'll gain insight as to why couples fight for control and pick up a few practical steps to renew your relationship.

Whether you've been married for years or preparing for the journey, the "Emotionally Healthy Marriage" materials used during the Conference will be life-changing and fantastic resources for every couple.

Here's a snapshot of the Conference sessions:

• Session 1 - The Healing Journey of Marriage

• Session 2 - Breaking the Curse of Control

• Session 3 - A Marriage Built on Truth

• Session 4 - Marriage Without Baggage

• Session 5 - The Habits of Emotionally Healthy Couples

Please make the investment in your marriage and future by signing up today. The cost is $75 per couple ($40-single) * which includes all conference costs, materials, 3 meals, Swag, and so much more. Registration deadline is Sunday, February 18, so don't delay!  These two days will be life-changing!

Register online

* Sponsorship is available based on need. Send an email to ec@encounterchurch.today


Friday (Feb 23rd)

  • Registration opens                                           4:30PM
  • DINNER                                                            5:00-6:00PM
  • Session ONE (The Healthy Journey of Marriage)      6:00-7:30PM
  • Break (15 mins)                                                   7:30-7:45PM
  • Session TWO (Breaking the Curse of Control)          7:45-9:00PM
  • LATE NIGHT EXTRAVAGANZA                        9:00-11:00 PM

Saturday (Feb 24th)

  • Breakfast                                                             8:30-9:00AM
  • Session THREE (A Marriage Built on Truth)           9:00-10:15AM
  • Break (15 mins).                                                 10:15-10:30AM
  • Session FOUR (Marriage Without Baggage)          10:30-11:45AM
  • Lunch (45 mins)                                                11:45-12:30PM
  • Session Five (Habits of Emotionally Healthy Couples) 12:30-1:30PM
  • Q&A                                                                       1:30-2:30PM
  • Conference ends                                               2:30PM