small groups

missing you!

Get in a group!

Don't do life alone!  We were created to live in community and not in isolation. We may physically live in a community, but spiritually, socially, and relationally we often live our lives in isolation. We find ourselves with no one to turn to when a major issue surfaces in our lives. 

Being part of a Small Group helps us to more wholly experience God through close relationships as we play and pray together, as we encourage and help one another, and as we study and live out God’s Word together. 

With 3 Small Group semesters, you can jump in any time of the year.  (12-week semesters in SPRING and FALL; 6-week semester in the SUMMER). 

Our SPRING Semester kicks off  February 16, so check out the many groups available this semester! There's one that perfect for YOU!

For more details or information on hosting a Small Group, contact Cathy Clifford, our Small Groups Leader.


Looking to grow more spiritually in 2025? To meet more people? To get more involved in church? 

Small groups is the perfect way to accomplish those worthy goals!  

Joining is easy, too.  Just read through the list below, click the "+" next to the title that interests you, 

and click on the REGISTER link. The Small Group host will then contact you with meeting details ... it's that easy!  

Sign up today ...  because we've been MISSING YOU!


  • Host:   Nancy Byrd

    Day:   Tuesday

    Location:  Encounter Church Classroom

    Time:   11 am - 12:30pm


    This study on the names and titles of God will help you experience Him in a fresh and deeper way, revealing many surprising connections between the Old and New Testaments.  As you explore His names, you will come face-to-face with the God of Scripture -- a God who is both the greatest of all Kings, and the most loving of all Fathers; a God enthroned on high who bends low so that we can come to know Him.  Hope you'll join us!


  • Host:   Sarah Hebert

    Day:   Tuesday

    Location:  Encounter Church Lobby

    Time:   6:00-7:00 pm

    Cost:   $40.00 for the materials for the entire semester.

    This is not just painting ... it's worship, praying together, and meditating on the word God gives you for the week’s project. It's also fun, music, and fellowship, as we learn to talk and listen to God through art. 

    Weekly breakdown: 

    Week 1 - Express your purpose

    Week 2 - Lay it at the Cross

    Week 3 - Starry Nights

    Week 4 - Shadow Box that walk

    Week 5 - Anointing Room

    Week 6 - The Armor of GOD

    Week 7 - The God Box

    Week 8 - War Room

    Week 9 - Hearts of Love

    Week 10 - Speak it and Believe it

    Week 11 - Yahweh, Jireh, Adonai, Elohim

    Week 12 - Beauty is deep within the place

    (P.S. Bring Your Own Bible)


  • Host:   Cathy Clifford

    Day:   Monthly on Wednesdays: Mar. 5; Apr. 2; & Apr. 30

    Location:  Various Locations

    Time:   6:00-7:00 pm

    Cost:    Your meal

    Calling all sisters!  Why not join me for a time of fun, fellowship and laughter with your sisters. God placed us together as family to encourage, build up and love on each other.  We'll get together monthly at various restaurants Dutch treat (pay your own meal). 

    Make sure to register to be notified where we will meet. This is going to be fantastic!  Can’t wait to see you there!



  • Host:   Arnold Howard

    Day:   Thursdays

    Location:  Zoom Meeting

    Time:   7:30 pm


    “Man Stuff” Small Groups will help you grow in faith, build camaraderie with like-minded men, and find significance.


    Join us Thursday evenings for a great time of encouragement and support. We need to stay connected with other men and have an avenue where we can share and grow together.



    Equipping, Empowering, Engaging Men!


  • Host:   Pastor Blake Melancon

    Day:   Saturdays

    Location:  Zoom Meeting

    Time:   8 am


    “Man Stuff” Small Groups will help you grow in faith, build camaraderie with like-minded men, and find significance.


    Join us Saturday mornings for a great time of encouragement and support. We will be covering topics and challenges that men face every day. We’ll learn how to face life, love our families, serve God, and have victory doing it!  To do that, we need to stay connected with other men and have an outlet where we can share and grow together.


    Equipping, Empowering, Engaging Men!


  • Host:   Pastor Philip Pimlott

    Day:   Tuesday

    Location:  Various BR restaurants

    Time:   12 noon - 1 pm

    Cost:   Your meal


    How about taking your lunch break each Tuesday and hanging out with some other men, enjoying each other’s company and encouragement. It’s always so good to get together to talk and listen. It really can make your day.


    We will meet at various locations around the Baton Rouge area Dutch treat (meaning you pay for yourself) and will always have a time of devotion and prayer.

    Hope to see you there!



  • Hosts:   Roxanne Langston & Arnold Howard

    Day:   Sunday

    Location:  EC Dream Team Room

    Time:   12:15 pm - 1:45 pm

    Are you walking through grief or know someone who is? The Encounter Church's grief support group will help as you learn helpful tools to navigate through grieving and the grief process God’s way.

    GriefShare is established to help people walking through the death of a family member or friend. You don't need to go through the process alone. Our caring group of people would love to help you walk through one of life's most difficult experiences.

    Each of the weekly meetings will include a video message and support group discussion. A GriefShare workbook will further a personal study of the grieving process. You are NOT alone! We will walk this journey with you!


  • Host:   Cathy Clifford

    Day:   Monday

    Location:  Clifford Home & Zoom

    Time:   6:30 pm - 8 pm

    Join us as we take the plunge into several intimate stories of the Bible where JESUS displays mercy, grace, love and kindness on sinners such as us.  Let’s put ourselves in the places of a Pharisee, tax collector, sinner, and broken folks watching Jesus’s response to each one.

    It is my prayer that this will be an intimate awakening to the real heart of Jesus!


  • Hosts:   Arnold & Dee Howard

    Day:   Wednesday (Every other week)

    Location:  EC Classroom

    Time:   10:30 am - 11:30 am

    The word "Exodus" means leave. The book of Exodus tells how the nation of Israel left Egypt. It chronicles the story of their deliverance from four hundred years of bondage and how God sent Moses as an instrument of deliverance. We also get to see how the Lord made Pharaoh release His people.

    God is still in the delivering business. Join us as we stroll down "God’s Yellow Brick Road" to deliverance.  Can’t wait to see you here!


  • Hosts:   Pastor P & Kelly Pimlott

    Day:   Thursday  (Every other week)

    Location:  Livingston

    Time:   6 pm - 730 pm

    Whether you are a pro or have never played before, we would love to invite you to come play Pickleball with us. It’s such a great, fun sport that will give you exercise while having great conversations and fellowship.

    We have all the equipment -- so come dressed comfortably and with some good tennis-type shoes. We end each week with a devotional and prayer time.

    This semester, we will meet bi-weekly (every other week). We hope you will come and have some friendly competition with us. 


  • Hosts:   Pastor Blake & Cris Melancon

    Day:   Thursday (Every other week)

    Location:  Restaurants in Ascension, BR & Livingston

    Time:   6:30 pm

    Cost:  Your meal

    Join us for good food, good fellowship and faith-focused discussions.  We’ll meet at different restaurants every other week around our area to enjoy a nice meal (Dutch treat) with good friends. Then we’ll dive a little deeper into Sunday’s message for morsels of wisdom and life applications.

    Hope you'll join us for a great time!


  • Host:   Norman Thompson

    Day:   Wednesday

    Location:  EC Classroom

    Time:   6-7:30 pm


    What would your life be like without credit card payments, car notes, rent or mortgage? If every dollar you brought home represented an opportunity for the future instead of an obligation to the past?  What you will learn at FPU isn’t just about saving money or getting out of debt or building healthy retirement -- it’s about living and giving the way God designed you to. 

    We provide the “what” and “how” to all your why’s!  This is life-changing! There is a cost that can be made in payments. Invest in you and your future!  You won’t regret it!



  • Hosts:   Pastor P & Kelly Pimlott

    Day:    Thursdays (Every other week)

    Location:  Livingston

    Time:   6-7:30 pm

    Everything in your marriage -- your emotions, finances, children, frustration, parents, cultural expectations, physical and sexual intimacy, your day-to-day needs and ideas – they all require one thing:  the ability to communicate.  As we meet bi-weekly, we will talk about the six conversations every married couple should be having on a regular basis.


    It’s going to be a great group as we learn and grow together. Make the commitment and sign up. 


  • Hosts:   Arnold & Dee Howard

    Day:   Friday & Saturday, Feb. 21-22, 2025

    Location:  EC Classroom

    Time:   6:30pm - 8:00 pm

    Cost:   Assessment $35 (Must be completed by 2/14/25 to participate) 

    Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS for short) has become the gold standard for helping today's engaged and newlywed couples enjoy lifelong love. If you’re engaged, this is where you start. (SYMBIS is the prerequisite for those planning to marry at Encounter Church.)

    Preparing for a strong and passionate marriage is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. If you’ve already started your marriage, give it a boost by renewing the joys that brought you together. You will:

    1. Uncover the misbeliefs of marriage
    2. Learn to communicate with instant understanding
    3. Discover the secret to resolving conflict
    4. Many other topics that will help prepare for life-long love.



  • Host:   Sherry Hale

    Day:   Mondays

    Location:  Encounter Church & Zoom

    Time:   6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

    Why not join us each week for an hour of power as we take time out from our busy lives to pray. This will be Zoom and In-person! It’s a great opportunity to quiet your life and to hear from God. 

    Each week we will have a short devotion on Prayer to help encourage you in your Prayer Life.  When we pray, GREAT THINGS WILL HAPPEN!

    Make plans to be with us weekly!



  • Host:   Terry Potts

    Day:   Thursdays

    Location:  Belaire High School

    Time:   11 am – 12:30 pm


    Do you have a heart for OUTREACH?  Would you like to shine the love of JESUS to the lost? Touch the younger generation and point them to JESUS?  This is the group for you!  Join Terry and the team as they serve pizzas and just plain love on the kids at Belaire School!

    We meet at Encounter Church before heading out into the world to share the Good News!  Come join us!




  • Host:   Laura Simon and the ER Team

    Day:   Friday

    Location:  Encounter Church

    Time:   6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


    Recovery from past sins and hurts is not just about drug addiction. No matter what you are struggling with, we believe that all are set free at the Cross where God’s heart can heal yours. Regardless of whether your problem is emotional, financial, relational, spiritual, sexual or anything else, whatever your needs are, God is the solution in all things.

    Life-altering decisions can be made, hearts changed, and lives transformed through the love of Christ. We are not a "program" -- it’s about a relationship with Jesus. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right and steadfast spirit within me.” - Psalm 51:10

    Doors open at 6:00 pm, with break-out groups after the message.

    ER—It’s Life Support for the Soul!




  • Hosts:   Dee Howard & Growth Track Team

    Day:   Saturday

    Location:  Encounter Classroom

    Time:   9 am-2 pm


    Growth Track Intensive allows you to take the entire 4-week course in one day. For some,  it’s a challenge to be here each Sunday for 4 weeks. Intensive allows you to take the entire course in one day! If you’ve begun the course and have not been able to complete it, you can attend the session(s) missed.

       Step One:  Connecting (9:00-10:00 am)

       Step Two:  Relationships (10:15-11:15 am)

       Step Three:  Identifying your Design (11:30-12:30 pm)

       Step Four:  Joining the Team (12:45- 1:45 pm)

    There's a 15-minute break between classes and snacks are available for you.

    If you’d like to get it all completed in one day, register so you can begin your next step of serving on a Dream Team!




    Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
    If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.